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Myounghoon Jeon, Ph.D. (Philart)

Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Professor, Computer Science (by Courtesy)
  • Director, Mind Music Machine (tri-M) Lab
  • Senior Fellow, Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
  • Associate Director, Center for Human-Computer Interaction
Philart Jeon
519D Whittemore Hall (MC 0118)
Blacksburg, VA 24061

His name is pronounced as /"me" + "young" quickly/ /hoon/ /jən/. Dr. Jeon is a Professor of the Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the Department of Computer Science (by courtesy) at Virginia Tech. He is the founding director of the Mind Music Machine (trim) Lab. His position at Virginia Tech is entitled, "Mobile and Creative Computing" faculty. His research areas include HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) and HRI (Human-Robot Interaction), with a focus on Auditory Displays, Affective Computing, Automotive User Interfaces, Assistive Technology, and Aesthetic Computing. His research has yielded more than 300 publications across top journals and conference proceedings. His research has been supported by NIH (National Institutes of Health), NSF (National Science Foundation), DOT (Department of Transportation), FRA (Federal Railroad Administration), ORAU (Oak Ridge Associated Universities Inc.), Equos Research Co. Ltd., Hyundai Motor Company, Northrop Grumman, CATM (Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility), KATRI (Korea Automobile Testing and Research Institute), VT ICAT (Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology), VT CHCI (Center for Human-Computer Interaction), MTTI (Michigan Tech Transportation Institute), ICC (Institute of Computing and Cybersystems), etc. Dr. Jeon actively works in international conferences - chairing programs and sessions, organizing workshops and tutorials, and serving as the program committee in AutomotiveUI, HRI, RSS, ICAD, HFES, CHI, IEEE VR, MobileHCI, UbiComp, IEA, PersuasiveTech, etc. He hosted the 24th ICAD Conference as a general chair at Michigan Tech in 2018 and hosted the 14th AutomotiveUI Conference as a general co-chair at Yonsei University in Korea in 2022. He is the immediate past president of ICAD (International Community for Auditory Display) and now serves as the emeritus board member. He was the first steering committee chair of K-HFES (Korean-American Human Factors and Ergonomics Society). Currently, he serves as the co-chair of the BIPOC Affinity Group of HFES, the chair of the Membership Committee of HFES, and the steering committee member of the AutoUI community. He serves as an Associate Editor of International Journal of Human-Computer Studies and PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality, Senior Editor of Ergonomics in Design, and Editorial Board of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. He has edited journal special issues on Affective Interactions with Robots ; Human Factors Design, Machine Learning, and AIAuditory Displays and Auditory User InterfacesFuturistic VehiclesPerforming Arts in VR Sonic Information DesignConnected Vehicles; and Subliminal Perception. He has edited two books, "Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction" and "User Experience Design in the Era of Automated Driving". Previously, he was an Associate Professor of the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences and the Department of Computer Science at Michigan Tech. He also served as a founding director of the Center for Human-Centered Computing at Michigan Tech. Currently, he serves as an Associate Director of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (CHCI) and Senior Fellow of the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) at VT. Dr. Jeon completed his MS and PhD degrees at Georgia Tech in Engineering Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction. He also earned his MS degree in Cognitive Sciences (Cognitive Engineering) at Yonsei University in Korea and studied Film Scoring at the same university. Before returning to academia, Dr. Jeon worked for LG Electronics and Daum Communications as an HCI researcher, UX designer, and sound designer. Besides, he has led many industry projects in collaboration with ARx, General Electric, Samsung Electronics, Panasonic Automotive, Toyota, Hyundai-Kia Motor Company, etc. These works have been recognized by awards such as the IF Communication Design Award and the Korean Ergonomic Design Award and the Best Paper Awards in the flagship international conferences (AutoUI, ICAD, ArtsIT, HCII, & HFES). He received the Earl Alluisi Award for Early Career Achievement from APA Division 21 Applied Experimental & Engineering Psychology in 2022. He is serving as a chair for the DEI committee in ISE Department and his committee has received the Presidential Principles of the Community Award in 2024. He's a former worship leader at Evangel Baptist Church in Houghton, MI. Now, he serves as a conductor for a "Peniel" choir at Korean Baptist Church of Blacksburg. He used to teach his daughter how to compose music, play various instruments, and code her own program. He lives in Blacksburg, Virginia with his wife and 17 year old daughter (EunYool) whose name means "fragrant melody".

* Philart means "love art".