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Our sonification work from the Audio Augmented Reality Project has been honored with the 2025 Data Sonification Awards ( In this project, we analyzed classical paintings and translated them into unique musical pieces, allowing audiences to hear the art as they experience it visually. This project was led by a talented team: Abhraneil Dam, Ph.D, MSE, Yeaji Lee, and Arsh Siddiqui in collaboration with Dr. Wallace Lages. Big congrats, everyone!! 

Jia and Hayoun successfully defended their PhD!! Work PhinisheD!! Big Congrats!!


Neel successfully defended his PhD!! Huge Congrats, Neel!!


Media Coverage

Dr. Jeon gave an interview with SBS (Korean Broadcasing Station) about designing LG's washing machine sound design:

Dr. Jeon (co-PI) in collaboration with Dr. Kim in ISE (PI) and Dr. Scarpa-Friedman received a new grant from NSF (National Science Foundation), 2348080 "Collaborative Research: Designing Intelligent Industrial Robots for STEM Inclusion by Leveraging Self-Determination Theory to Foster Autistic Talent in Manufacturing Work". This project will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Chung Hyuk Park at the George Washington University and Dr. Zhi Zheng at Notre Dame University.

Student research bridges gap between art and technology | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech ( Jacqueline's dance project with a local dancer. 

Beauty is in the ear of the beholder: Industrial and systems engineers are making art more accessible to those who cannot consume it visually through auditory augmented reality. Neel and Yeaji featured in College of Engineering Research Magazine: Beauty is in the ear of the beholder | Engineering | Virginia Tech ( Enjoy (see, read, and hear) this multimodal article!! 

Dr. Jeon (co-PI) in collaboration with Dr. Kim in ISE (PI), Dr. Rho in CS, and Dr. Scarpa-Friedman received a new grant from ORAU (Oak Ridge Associated Universities) Inc., "Development of a hybrid mentoring program for autistic STEM students - Foundational work".

Dr. Jeon (co-PI) in collaboration with Dr. Kim in ISE (PI) and others received a new NIH (National Institutes of Health) grant, "Development of machine-learning methods to support collaboration in a neurodiverse team at work".

NSF project outreach activity is featured in VT News: "Virtual solar system transforms young learners into astronauts"


Jia and Manhua were selected as a the 2023 HFES Student Member with Honors. Congrats, Jia and Manhua!!

Manhua received the 2022 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by China Scholarship Council. Congrats, Manhua!! 

Manhua was selected as a student fellow for the IISE Future Faculty Fellows program. Congrats, Manhua!! 


Moon, Jia and Dr. Jeon successfully co-hosted the Emotion GaRage Vol. IV: Creating Empathic In-Vehicle Interfaces with Generative AIs for Automated Vehicle Contexts.

Dr. Jeon co-organized, "How to Ensure Diversity and Inclusion at Conferences? A Workshop for General Chairs, Program Committee Members, Reviewers and Authors".

Jia successfully completed his Prelim exam. Now, he became a PhD candidate. Congrats, Jia!!


Chihab successfully defended his PhD dissertation!! Congrats, Dr. Nadri!!

trim Lab warmly welcomes new PhD students, Jennifer Mitchell and Gayoung Ban (ISE) and Yeana Bond (CS).


trim Lab undergraduate students are rocking! At the ISE Undergraduate Research Symposium, two groups of students receivd the Outstanding Posters Awards. Henry Kwon and Rakesh Pillai received the second place (PhD student: Jacqueline Bruen) with the project, "Hand Gesture Sonification System for Crochet". Isabella Villarente and Matthew Soohoo received the first place (PhD student: Jia Dong) with the project, "Emotion and Trust on Social Robots in the Escape Room". Congrats, everyone!! You did a great job!!

Jaclyn successfully defended her PhD in the Department of Computer Science at Michigan Tech. Her PhD Dissertation is entitled, "Toward a Longitudinal Program of In Situ Social Robotics Research and Informal Steam Education". Congrats, Dr. Barnes!!


Jacqueline successfully completed her Qual Exam in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) in the Department of Computer Science.



The Robot Musical Theater Project is featured in VT News: "Children befriend robots in playful after-school research program." Here's an intro video.

Neel successfully completed his Prelim exam. Now, he became a PhD candidate. Congrats, Neel!!


The Mind Music Machine Lab is featured in Collegiate Times: "Mind Music Machine Lab merges arts and engineering".

Dr. Jeon (PI) in collaboration with Michigan Tech received a new DOT/FRA (Department of Transportation/Federal Railroad Administration) grant, "Multi-site simulation to examine driver behavior impact of integrated rail crossing violation warning (RCVW) and in-vehicle auditory/visual alert (IVAA) system".

Manhua successfully completed her Prelim exam. Now, she became a PhD candidate. Congrats, Manhua!!


Yusheng successfully completed his MS Thesis Defense in Computer Science. His MS Thesis is entitled, "Increasing driving situation awareness and menu navigation performance in the in-vehicle gesture interactions with a heads-up display". Congrats, Master Cao!!

Dr. Jeon successfully co-hosted the 14th ACM International AutoUI Conference. The trim lab (Manhua and Dr. Jeon) in collaboration with Dr. Lee's lab and Dr. Baumann's lab won the Best Video Award, which was selected by the conference attendees' votes: What Do You Want for In-Vehicle Agents? One Fits All vs. Multiple Specialized Agents.

Chihab, Jia, and Dr. Jeon co-hosted the 3rd Emotion GaRage Vol. III: A Workshop on Affective In-Vehicle Display Applications.

Dr. Jeon co-organized the 4th Workshop on Localization vs. Internationalization: Creating an international survey on Automotive User Interfaces

Manhua co-organized the Build Your Own Genie and Jarvis: 2nd Workshop on Characteristics and Design Considerations of In-Vehicle Intelligent Agents.

Neel co-organized the Workshop on Multimodal Motion Sickness Detection and Mitigation Strategies for Car Journeys.


The Mind Music Machine Lab warmly welcomes new PhD students for Fall 2022: Jia Dong (ISE), Mungyeong "Moon" Choe (ISE), and Jacqueline Bruen (CS). 


Chihab received the Best Paper Award from the ICAD 2022 (the 27th International Conference on Auditory Display), which was held virtually, June 24-27. Here's the information of the paper:

Nadri, C., Zieger, S., Lautala, P., Nelson, P. & Jeon, P. (2022). Preliminary evaluation of lead time variation for rail crossing in-vehicle alerts. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2022), Virtual Conference, June 24-27.

Hayoun, Yeaji, Neel, Chihab, and Dr. Jeon successfully hosted the workshop on "Sonifying Arts" at the ICAD 2022 (the 27th International Conference on Auditory Display).


Hayoun, Mia, and Hyuesung received the people's choice award at ICAT Creativity + Innovation Day with the Arts in XR project. Jia, Hamda, and Sasha received the judge's choice award with the Robot Musical Theater project.

Hyesung Moon successfully defended his MS Thesis, "The Effect of Interaction Method and Vibrotactile Feedback on User Experience and Performance in VR Games" and received MS degree in Computer Science. Hyesung is now working on autonomous vehicles at Nuro, a robotics company, based in Mountain View, California. 


Shane, Mia, Hyuesung, and Hayoun received the first place award at the VT Center for HCI Student Symposium with the Movis project and Arts in XR project. Jia, Hamda, and Sasha received the second place award with the Robot Musical Theater project.


All the articles of the Research Topic on "Contextualized Affective Interactions with Robots" have been published in Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Enjoy the new papers on emotional interactions with robots.  


Dr. Jeon (co-PI) in collaboration with Dr. Lee in CS (PI) received a new NSF (National Science Foundation) grant, "Facilitating socially constructed learning through a shared, mobile-based virtual reality platform in informal learning settings".

Chihab, Maryam, Manhua, Jing, and Dr. Jeon attended the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting (HFES 2021) Conference in Baltimore. The trim lab presented four full papers.


Manhua, Abhraneil, and Sush presented full papers and Moustafa, Yusheng, and Dr. Lee presented video/demo papers at the AutoUI 2021 virtual conference. Manhua was invited to the Doctoral Colloquium as a student scholar. Dr. Jeon also served as an expert panelist in the Doctoral Colloquium.

We successfully hosted four workshops at the AutoUI 2021 virtual conference.

Genie vs. Jarvis: Characteristics and Design Considerations of In-Vehicle Intelligent Agents

Workshop on Computational Modeling of Driving Behaviors: Challenges and Approaches

The 3rd Workshop on Localization vs. Internationalization: Accessibility of Autonomous Vehicles by Different End-Users

To Customize or Not to Customize - Is That the Question?


In collaboration with ARx, Abhraneil, Chihab, Manhua, and Dr. Jeon successfully hosted the workshop on "Audio to Augmented Your Reality" at the 26th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2021).


Sush (MS in CS) successfully defended her MS Thesis, entitled, "Exploring the effects of language on angry drivers’ situation awareness, driving performance, and subjective perception." Congrats, Sush! She will be working at Amazon in Seattle. WA.


Dr. Jeon received the prestigious Earl Alluisi Award for Early Career Achievement from the American Psychological Association Division 21, which recognizes contributions to the field of Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology made by early professionals.


The Mind Music Machine Lab wholeheartedly welcomes new Graduate Students who joined the lab in Fall 2020: Manhua Wang, Abhraneil Dam, Levern Currie, Moustafa Tabbarah (ISE) and Gunnar Nelson (CS).


The Special Issue on "Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Human Factors Design" has been published in Ergonomics in Design, 2020 July Issue.


The Special Issue on "Auditory Displays and Auditory User Interfaces: Art, Design, Science, and Research" has been published in Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2020 June Issue.


Dr. Jeon has been appointed as an Editorial Board Member of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. MTI is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of multimodal technologies and interaction, published quarterly online by MDPI.


Ashin (MEng in ECE) successfully defended her MS Project, entitled, "Comparative Analysis of Facial Affect Detection Algorithms". Congrats, Ashin!! Well done!!


Harsh (MS in ISE) successfully defended his MS Thesis, entitled, "Measuring the influence of anger on takeover performance in semi-automated vehicles". Congrats, Harsh!! Well done!!


Harsh (MS in ISE) received 2nd place in the "eye-opening societal interventions" category of VT Graduate Research Symposium wit his MS project, "Measuring the influence of anger on takeover performance in semi-automated vehicles".


The Mind Music Machine Lab wholeheartedly welcomes new PhD Students, Maryam Rahimi Movasagh and Levern Currie (Both in VT ISE).


Prof. Jeon (co-PI) in collaboration with Prof. Lee in Computer Science (PI) and Prof. Duer in School of Visual Arts has received a new funding from VT ICAT (Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology) on the project, "VRViewfinder: Engaging Bystanders in VR-based Interactive Media Using Auxiliary Viewing Devices".


The Mind Music Machine Lab wholeheartedly welcomes new PhD Students, Manhua Zhang and Abhraneil Dam (Both in VT ISE).


Dr. Jeon (co-PI) in collaboration with Dr. Patrick (PI) has received a new funding from CATM (Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility) on the project, "Acoustic Situation Awareness and Its Effects on Pedestrian Safety within a Virtual Environment".


Dr. Lee and Dr. Jeon with international collaborators successfully hosted the workshop on "Localization vs. Internationalization: Research and Practice on Autonomous Vehicles across Different Cultures" with more than 30 participants from all over the world at AutomotiveUI 2019 Conference. #DiversityAndInclusion #AutomatedDriving


Dr. Jeon has been elected as a President of ICAD (International Community for Auditory Display) in the recent board election. ICAD is a premium forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display data, monitor systems, and provide enhanced user interfaces for computers and virtual reality systems. For more information, see ICAD webpage. #Auditory Display #Sonification


The Robot-Theater Program at TechGirls was successfully organized by tri-M lab members at VT. We had smart girls from all over the world. They made creative live theater pieces with robots as actors!! #GirlsCanDoAnything!!


The workshop on "Sonic Interactions in Highly Autonomous Vehicle Environments" was successfully hosted by tri-M lab members and Hyundai Motors partners at ICAD2019 Conference, Newcaslte, UK.


The Special Issue on "User Interfaces to Pave the Way for Interaction with Tomorrow’s Vehicles" in Multimodal Technologies and Interaction was published online.


Dr. Jeon and collaborators successfully hosted a workshop on "Dangerous HRI: Testing Real-World Robots Has Real-World Consequences" at the 14th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI2019)", which was held at EXCO Convention Center in Daegu, Korea, March 11-14, 2019.


Dr. Jeon has received a new funding from FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) on the project, "Effects on in-vehicle auditory alerts on driver behaviors at highway-rail grade crossings".


Emotional GaRage: A Workshop on In-car Emotion Recognition and Regulation" was successfully held at the International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI’18) in Toronto, Canada, September 23.

The Workshop on "Designing Highly Automated Driving Systems as a Radical Innovation" was successfully held at the International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI’18) in Toronto, Canada, September 23.

Dr. Jeon gave a talk as a keynote speaker at the User Experience Expert Forum at Hyundai Motors Company. His talk was entitled, "Global issues, collaboration trends, & future of autonomous vehicle UX/HMI".


International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2018) was successfully held at Michigan Tech, June 10-15, 2018.


Jason successfully defended his PhD dissertation,"Design and evaluation of auditory-supported air gesture controls in vehicles". Congrats, Dr. Sterkenburg!!


Keith Vertanen, Scott, Kuhl, and Myounghoon Jeon's proposal, "Sensing and Feedback for On-body Input" has been selected for the 2018 Paul Williams Seed Grants of the ICC (Institute of Computing and Cybersystems) at Michigan Tech.


Dr. Jeon has received the 2nd year funding from KATRI (Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute) on the project, "Development of the safety assessment technique for take‐over in automated vehicles".


Shabnam successfully defended her PhD dissertation, "How do angry drivers respond to emotional music? A comprehensive perspective on assessing emotion". Congrats, Dr. FakhrHosseini!!




Jaclyn ("Musical robot dance freeze for children") and Ridwan ("Musical exercise for people with visual impairments") received Master's Degrees in Computer Science. Congrats!!


Dr. Jeon and HCC Center faculty and students successfully hosted the HCC Demo Day .


Dr. Jeon attended AutomotiveUI 2017, held in Oldenburg, Germany. For this year's conference, Jeon chaired the video program, served as the international panel for the student doctoral colloquium, co-organized the Workshop on "User-Centered Design for Automated Driving Systems" and served as a chair for the Automated Driving session. Jeon also presented two work-in-progress papers and one video at the conference.


Workshop on "CARobots: Automated Driving Systems as Robots on Four Wheels" at 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2017)


Dr. Zheng started a new tenure track faculty position in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Miilwaukee. Congrats, Jenny!!


Dr. Zheng and Dr. Jeon successfully hosted the workshop on "Perception and Interaction Dynamics in Child-Robot Interaction" at the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference 2017 in collaboration with Dr. Park at George Washington University and Dr. Howard at Georgia Tech.


Shabnam, Eric, and Dr. Jeon successfully hosted the workshop on "New Opportunities for Auditory Interactions in Highly Automated Vehicles" at International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2017)

Dr. Jeon served as a guest lecturer of the class, "Software Prototyping and Usability Testing" in the User eXperience Design Program at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt , Germany.


Dr. Jeon has received the 1st year funding from KATRI (Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute) on the project, "Development of the safety assessment technique for take‐over in automated vehicles".


Dr. Jeon gave an invited talk, "Embodied Interaction and Aesthetic Computing" at Georgia Tech.


Dr. Jeon gave an invited talk, "Multimodal Interactions in Connected and Automated Vehicles" at Mobility Tech Talks, Michigan Tech Research Forum.


Dr. Jeon has received the 3rd year funding from MTTI (Michigan Tech Transportation Institute) on the initiative project, "Constructing ENGIN (Exploring Next Generation IN-vehicle INterfaces) Consortium at Michigan Tech".


The tri-M Lab and HCC members successfully hosted the World Usability Day Event.


Dr. Jeon and tri-M Lab students successfully hosted a tutorial on "In-vehicle auditory interactions: Design and applications of auditory displays, speech, sonifications & music" at AutoUI 2016.

September 20

Dr. Jeon has received new funding from DOT (Department of Transportation)-FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) in collaboration with Dr. Lautala. The title of the project is “Driver Behavior at Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Using NDS and Driving Simulators.”

August 20

The Mind Music Machine (tri-M) lab warmly welcomes a new Research Assistant Professor, Dr. Zhi "Jenny" Zheng (ECE).

August 1

Philart received a research grant from Hyundai Motors Company on the project entitled, “Novel In-vehicle Interaction Design and Evaluation” and will investigate the effectiveness of sonically-enhanced in-vehicle gesture systems and culture-specific sound preference.

July 7

Jason, Steven, and Josh's paper, "Towards an in-vehicle sonically-enhanced gesture control interface: A pilot study" has been selected for the Best Student Paper Award at the 22nd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2016) held in Canberra, Australia.

July 3

Jason and Ridwan's research proposals were selected for the Doctoral Consortium at the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2016). Their travel was partly covered by NSF.

June 26

Philart attended the Dagstuhl workshop, "Automotive user interfaces in the age of automation". The Dagstuhl workshop is a prestigious invitation-only computer science seminar series.

May 3

Philart received the Best Paper Award at ArtsIT Conference, held in Esbjerg, Denmark, with a paper, "Aesthetic computing for representation of the computing process and expansion of perceptual dimensions: Cases for art, education, and interfaces".

April 25

Sunny has successfully defended her MS thesis. Congrats, Sunny!! Her thesis title is "Multisensory cue congruency in lane change test".

April 13

tri-M Lab has organized the "Robot Theatre Afterschool Program" at Dollarbay Elementary School this spring semester and had two live performances as final outcomes.

April 5

Philart and international collaborators successfully hosted the Workshop on "Persuasion in Transport Applications at Persuasive Technology 2016, Salzburg, Austria.

April 4

Philart gave an invited talk about "Aesthetic Computing" at Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria.

April 1

Steven Landry has successfully defended his MS thesis. Congrats, Steven!! His thesis title is "Gettin’ active at passive crossings: Investigating the efficacy of in-vehicle auditory alerts for rail road crossings"


Shabnam has been selected to be a recipient of the Outstanding Scholarship Award from the Dean of Graduate School in 2016 Spring. Congrats!!


Philart has received the 2nd year funding from MTTI (Michigan Tech Transportation Institute) on the project, "Constructing ENGIN (Exploring Next Generation IN-vehicle INterfaces) Consortium at Michigan Tech".


Our lab successfully had a demo day at Horizons Alternative High School in Calumet.


Jaclyn's research proposal on musical robotic therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders has been selected for the Doctoral Consortium at ASSETS 2015 (the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.


Philart has received new funding from Equos Research Co. for the in-vehicle auditory interaction project.

Philart successfully hosted the Workshop on Practical Experiences in Measuring and Modeling Drivers and Driver-Vehicle Interactions" with international collaborators at the AutomotiveUI 2015 Conference in UK in September.

Philart successfully hosted the 3rd Workshop on "User Experience of Autonomous Driving" with international collaborators at the AutomotiveUI 2015 Conference in UK in September.

Philart and Steven successfully hosted the Workshop on "In-vehicle Auditory Interactions" with international collaborators at ICAD2015.

June 22-26

Philart and Steven successfully hosted a workshop on Developing Partnership and Advancing Driving Research" at Michigan Tech.

May 1

Researchers of the Mind Music Machine Lab were interviewed by reporter Allison Mills for a podcast in Distillations Magazine. The magazine is an online publication of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, which is a library, museum, and center for scholars. The interview occupies about the first 12 minutes of Episode 198: Old Brains, New Brains: The Human Mind, Past and Present.

April 13

Jason Sterkenburg has successfully defended his MS thesis. Congrats, Jason!!

April 10

The tri-M Lab had another demo day at Houghton Elementary School. We had fun time with kids. We had 5 stations: tangible musical instruments (toy, water, fruits), gesture-based musical instruments and music games, a bone conduction phone, a driving simulator, and interactive robots.

April 3

The Mind Music Machine (tri-M) lab warmly welcomes new PhD students, Ridwan Ahmed Khan (Computer Science) and Jason Sterkenburg (Human Factors).

March 25

We had a Lab Demo day for 5th graders at Houghton Elementary School. We had diverse stations: playing instruments by splashing water using MakeyMakey, generating sounds and visuals by moving around toy fish using ReacTIVision, listening to music using bluetooth bone-conduction phones, playing around with diverse robots (Pleo, Nao, Zoomer, Mindstorm, Romo), driving virtual roads using a simulator, playing music and sound games using iPad apps. Kids seemed to pretty enjoyed the time and thus, the session was extended a bit :)

February 13

Steven Landry quoted in Trains Magazine, Despite drop in collisions, intersection of roads and rails still a dangerous place"

February 5

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Rail Transportation Division (RTD) has awarded Maryam Fakhr Hosseini an ASME RTD Graduate Student Conference Scholarship for the 2015 ASME Joint Rail Conference (JRC). The scholarship, in the amount of $1,100.00, is intended to pay for transportation, lodging, and meals. The scholarship also covers reimbursement of the full student conference registration fee.

January 30

Dr. Jeon (CLS/CS) has received new funding from the NIH (National Institutes of Health) via National Robotics Initiatives Program. The title of the project is “NRI: Music-Based Interactive Robotic Orchestration for Children with ASD.”

December 15

Dr. Jeon (CLS/CS) has received new funding from MTTI (Michigan Tech Transportation Institute). The title of the project is "Building the ENGIN (Exploring Next Generation IN-vehicle INterfaces) Consortium at MTTI".

October 17

Dr. Jeon became an Associate Editor of MIT Press Journal, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.

October 10

Dr. Jeon interviewed about emotion detection technology from typing."Your Typing Style Can Reveal Your Emotions".

September 17

Dr. Jeon and international collaborators successfully hosted the Social, Natural and Peripheral Interactions Workshop at AutoUI 2014.

August 27

The Mind Music Machine (tri-M) lab warmly welcomes new graduate students, Jaclyn Barnes (CS for Fall) and Jayde Croschere (CLS for Spring).

August 14

Jasons' MS proposal, "Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional Distraction while Driving: A Comparative Analysis" has been selected for Doctoral Colloquium at International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI), held in University of Washington, Seattle. AutoUI is a flagship conference in driving research. His work will be discussed and commented by precursors and leading researchers in the domain in September.

June 22

Dr. Jeon and international collaborators successfully hosted the 1st Workshop on Sonic Information Design at ICAD2014.

June 21

PhD students, Shabnam and Steven presented their research in "Doctoral Consortium" (Think Tank) at ICAD 2014 (International Conference on Auditory Display), which is a flagship conference for auditory display and sonification.

April 22

Graduates (Steven, Shabnam, & Sunny) and undergraduates (Neil, Will, & Jayde) in the tri-M Lab presented at the 1st Upper Peninsula Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference (UPISRC2014).

February 24-27

We successfully finished an art-technology experimental project with performing artist, Tony Orrico. The results of our collaboration and his previous works are displayed in the Finnish American Heritage Center in Hancock.

February 18

Steven and Shabnam presented their Grade-Crossing Project at Rail Road Night Event Poster Session.

tri-M Lab introduction has been featured in SurfTech, a news letter of Surface Transportation Technical Group of HFES.

November 14

We successfully hosted a lab open day affiliated with the World Usability Day Event at Tech.

Dr. Jeon co-hosts the 2nd Workshop on "The Social Car" at Automotive UI Conference in October.

One of the projects from Human Factors class has been featured in Michigan Tech News

One of our poster papers in Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII) (in July, Las Vegas) has won the "Best Poster Award" among 303 posters. Ours is the only one best poster :) Given that HCII accommodates more than 2,300 researchers and practitioners from all around the world, this is not trivial!!

The Mind Music Machine lab warmly welcomes a visiting researcher, Samantha Jansen for this Summer.

Abbey Westphal graduated in Psychology and got her new job at Copper Country Mental Health. Congrats!!

The Mind Music Machine lab warmly welcomes new graduate students (Maryam, Sunny, and Steven) for this Fall.

Abbey Westphal graduated in Psychology and got her new job at Copper Country Mental Health. Congrats!!

The Mind Music Machine lab warmly welcomes new graduate students (Maryam, Sunny, and Steven) for this Fall. See "People" tab for more details.

Dr. Jeon serves as a guest editor for Journal Special Issues.

Dr. Jeon will serve as instructor for two Summer Youth Programs for high school students ("Women in Engineering" and "Engineering Scholars") this summer. See "Courses" tab for more details.