Postdoctoral Research Associates
Due to COVID, the plan has been canceled. If you want to discuss future possibilities or if you have any questions about the lab, email Dr. Jeon: myounghoonjeon@vt.edu.
Graduate Researchers & Students
For graduate studies in the tri-M Lab, you can apply for the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Department of Computer Science (MS and PhD), or iPhD: Human-Centered Design at Virginia Tech. For 2025 Fall, I plan to recruit new grad students. If you have any questions about our lab or graduate program, feel free to contact Dr. Jeon. You can also learn more about the graduate program here. In the Mind Music Machine Lab, we believe that an inclusive environment provides us with the opportunity to learn from the perspectives that students and faculty members from different backgrounds can bring. Our differences make us stronger. We are deeply committed to creating an inclusive and engaging community so everyone feels safe, welcome, and appreciated. Dr. Jeon is the current chair of the InclusiveVT Committee in the ISE Department. He also served as a BIPOC co-chair of the HFES Community and simlar roles for multiple conferences.
Undergraduate Research Assistants (RA)
Every semester I recruit undergraduate research assistants (RA). RAs are restricted to Virginia Tech students who can earn graded course credits (ISE2994/4994, CS4994/2974) toward major requirements. They can learn how to conduct Human Factors/Human-Computer Interaction research with cutting edge technologies. You can contact Dr. Jeon 2-3 weeks before the semester begins. But before that, make sure you understand followings:
1) GPA 3.3 or higher
2) Available and willing to work in the lab at least two consecutive semesters. Most projects are not completed in one semester. So, we need students who can work continuously (and many students stay in my lab forever once they start to work :)
3) Being stable, and self-motivated in hard working and responsible for the project.
If you think you are eligible, see my lab projects here: https://trim.ise.vt.edu/.
When you contact me, let me know if you can find any interest in any research pillar(s) and if any, specifically, which project(s) (specifically, "current" projects). I usually discuss students' interests, but the position will depend on the lab's needs.
I strongly recommend students take the research credits with me, at least, for the first semester.
After working more than two semesters, undergrad students can have an opportunity to get involved in writing a scientific paper, which is the most valuable experience to go to graduate school. Students preparing for graduate programs in Engineering Psychology, HCI, Human Factors, Human-Centered Computing, or Interaction Design are especially encouraged to apply. Please email Prof. Jeon or drop by his office at 519D Whittemore Hall.
Visiting Scientists & Student Internships
If you are interested in visiting our lab for collaboration or sabbatical, or if you are an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at other universities and want short-term visit or internship, please contact Dr. Jeon.